Architecture History and Theory - Project 1

Architecture History and Theory - Project 2

Architecture History and Theory is a module with moderate workload. However, I am not good with history and memorising things so I am suffering a bit in this module. It is also the only module that had an exam, so I am nervous about the exam as well. Due to project 1 being a group project so early in the semester, I met some friends even though it is still the first few weeks in this semester.
I like the combinations of both online lecture and also pre-recorded lecture because it is well balance so that the tutors are able to see our progress in the online lecture as well as giving us some freedom to when to watch the pre-recorded lecture.
I like all of the tutors, they are all helpful, giving us feedbacks and I really like the positive vibe that we had in the class. However, the lack of physical classes is a short for me because I like to engage with people in person but we are still in the middle of a pandemic, so it is understandable.
Out of all of the lecture, my favourite one is the guest lecture with had with Mr Robert Powell. He had a lecture about modern buildings around Malaysia and through the lecture, it made me understand the history and the progress that we had so that we develop the modern architecture of malaysia.
Through this semester, I have acquired a number of TGCs and the TGC that I acquired through projects of Architecture History and Theory are:
TGC 2.2 Locate, extract, synthesize and utilize information effectively, in the projects of this module, it requires a lot of researching for us to complete it. So through this module, I understand and acquired TGC 2.2, so that I can finish my task in the projects
TGC 7.1 Be aware of and form opinions from diverse perspectives. In the first project, which is a group project, we need to do a booklet about 2 buildings, and there were some discussion on how to design the booklet, and we all had our opinions and we would try to combine all ideas together. This made me be aware about opinions from my group members and we are able to work together smoothly.
TGC 8.1 Effective use of ICT and related technology. In project 1, we design the booklet digitally so it is easier to made adjustment, and we are also required to integrate the project with Augmented Reality elements using blippAR. We utilised the technology effectively so it made our life easier.