Theories of Asian Architecture - Project 1
For Project 1, we are required to pick a street from the list of sites in the project brief to conduct our research on. After that, we were instructed to learn the fundamentals of the selected street by web research, site visits, etc. We then need to separate and categorise the data we've gathered into physical, as well as non-physical contexts. Lastly, put the eight pages of research data into a hand-drawn sketch diary.
I think what I learnt the most in this project is time management. As my poor time management makes me unable to allocate enough time to do this project. I think if I was giving another chance, I will be able to execute this project even better. Moreover, what I realised from this project is that there are a lot of really beautiful and cultural enriched street in Malaysia, after this project it really changed my perspective to things, and how I view them. Now whenever I am walking in the street, I can't helped but noticed every details and interesting building that is on the street.
Theories of Asian Architecture - Project 2
In this project, we are required to create a poster and a presentation on our chosen topic of a chosen street. As a group, we chose the topic of Adaptive reuse of heritage building on preserving architectural identity at Jalan Tun HS Lee. Some interesting questions surfaced for this project, such as How do we measure architectural identity.

In this project, I think teamwork is very important, and I really do appreciate all of my groupmates being very participative and try to contribute as much as they can. I think this project is particularly interesting because it really makes us questions. Why is it important to preserve tradision? How do we measure architecture identity and how do we preserve it. I think it is important to preserve tradision as it is a way for us to remember our past and our roots.
Theories of Asian Architecture is a module that really makes me appreciate asian architecture. As an asian, I did not know a lot on asian archtecture and this really opens the door of asian architecture for me.
At the start of this semester I had no idea on Cambodian architecture, difference between modernism and post-modernism and barely know anything about Thai architecture. Meanwhile now as I am reaching the end of this semester, I know all of these knowledge is amazing, I get to know all of the different type of asian architecture and also being able to understand the meaning of modernism in asian in terms of architecture, it is about removing that colonial tag.
Through this semester, I have acquired a number of TGCs and the TGC that I acquired through projects of Theories of Asian Architecture are:
TGC 2.2 Locate, extract, synthesize and utilize information effectively, in the projects of this module, it requires a lot of researching for us to complete it. So through this module, I understand and acquired TGC 2.2, so that I can finish my task in the projects
TGC 8.1 Effective use of ICT and related technology. In project 2, we design the poster digitally so it is easier to made adjustment, and we are also required to edit the presentation video. We utilised the technology effectively so it made our life easier.