Architectural Design III
Project 1
In this project, we need to design a poetic building that is either concentric or linear, we are tasked to do the concentric one.

Project 2
In this project, it is mainly about site analysis and site presentation, I have another module that requires me to take a weekend off to a site visit. I would like to thank my groupmates for letting me go to the trip without much worried of the project.

Project 2B
In this project, and the only individual project, we are required to design a discovery centre for the site near Tanjung Tuan Forest Reserve.
Design Process Journal

Presentation Board

There are a few key takeaway from this semester. First, I finally getting enthusiastic with Architecture, but I feel like the levels of the enthusiasm could have been better.Not gonna lie, I am still pissed at people talking shit about my presentation board. But maybe they just don’t understand that I wanted to be different. I want to be different so badly, my presentation board for an architecture presentation board, doesn’t feel like a presentation board that a architecture student should be doing. I understand the confusion just by comparing my board with what all the others are doing, mine was definitely really weird. I emphasised on my own STYLE too strong. Other than the board, my expertise on digital software was not strong enough, but I am the one to be blamed in this scenario. I was too dumb to realised that just revit itself doesn’t cut it, it was in late stage of the project when I realised not everyone is doing in revit, they are learning rhino, sketchup to do their digital model. Lastly, I didn’t put in enough effort into the project and I am slacking off way too much. Through the semester, I must address again (not boasting), this semester I really put in a lot of effort into architecture, but I also think the effort I put it in is not enough, I should have put in more effort. I vow to not make the same mistakes again and I will be better next semester.
Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone in Team S and most importantly, Ar. Shahira. She is the one who really pushes me. Also, I would like to thank my leaders in Team S. Evonne and Terry, who have been a great leader at clearing up any confusion that I had. Truly thank you!
Through this semester, I have acquired a number of TGCs and the TGC that I acquired through projects of Architectural Design 3 are:
TGC 3.2 Define and analyze problems to arrive at effective solutions as during projects, there will be unexpected problems and we had to solve analyse the problem quickly so we could come out with a solution
TGC 7.1 It is important to acknowledge and consider various viewpoints when forming opinions. Throughout project 1, there was a multitude of opinions regarding the design, and I acquired the skill of actively listening to everyone in order to comprehend their needs and concerns. This enabled us to create a design that accommodated everyone's ideas.