Architectural Design II
Project 1
In this project, we were given a building and needed to produce its diagrams and models for the diagrams

Project 2
In this project, we are required to come out with a design for a discovery space, it was interesting because we had to figure out what our site is going to be.

We decided to do a treehouse from day one because we took our project 1 as the main inspiration and wanted to create something with the same theme as the creator of that building said his inspiration for that building was a treehouse. We ultimately created a design that is unique of its own while still retaining some element that can be also seen in our case study.
Project 3
In this project, and the only individual project, we are required to design a space for ourselves and another partner to stay for a couple days.




Presentation Board

This single took place for almost half of the semester, but it was good. We had a site data collection and analysis which was done by everyone in the module, it was the effort of everyone in the module to complete something like this in like a week which for me I think it's pretty cool. I think this project really open our eyes to let us think on not only how to design but where to as well.
I think in this project, I learnt a lot more than previous semester, and this semester had a lot of "action" going on that requires us to be active physically, when we are doing the site visit and data collection. I personally think that this semester is really fun, even though there were times where we needed to stay up in the night to complete our thing. I still feels very energetic about it. The idea of working for something from the scratch to the drawings and models. It is just amazing. Even though I did not do the best design or drawings or models. I still felt happy that I was able to make everything on time and not messes up stuffs. I will continue to improve myself and my lineweight.
Through this semester, I have acquired a number of TGCs and the TGC that I acquired through projects of Architectural Design 2 are:
TGC 3.2 Define and analyze problems to arrive at effective solutions as during projects, there will be unexpected problems and we had to solve analyse the problem quickly so we could come out with a solution
TGC 7.1 Be aware of and form opinions from diverse perspectives, during project 2, there were a lot of opinions on how the design should be and I learnt to hear from everyone to understand everyone's need and concern so that we could get the design to fit with everyone's idea.